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A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study.
Over 40 CDF participants visited the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) Headquarters in Tsim Sha Tsui on 29 March 2016. The visit, jointly organised by the CDF and the HKO for the first time, included a tour around the Central Forecasting Office and the TV Studio. The participants also had the rare opportunity of meeting Mr SHUN Chi-ming, Director of the HKO, who shared with them his own experience of personal growth.
Mr SHUN was appointed as the Director of the HKO in April 2011 at the age of 47, making him the youngest ethnic Chinese to hold the position. Mr SHUN has been a lover of mathematics and physics since he was a child. Diligent and keen on learning, he always ranked among the top three in school examinations. Mr SHUN suffered a severe setback when he was studying Form 3. "One day while I was reading, I suddenly saw a red patch in my eye. It slowly changed from deep red to dark green before turning into a black area which obscured my field of vision, blocking my view of the book pages," he said. Mr SHUN was diagnosed as having a detached retina. Even after several surgery operations, his eyesight did not recover fully. But Mr SHUN remained upbeat. He continued to work hard on his favourite subjects and, finally, he was enrolled at the University of Hong Kong, where he studied Physics.
Mr SHUN has played a leading role in developing the world's first Light Detection and Ranging Windshear Alerting System. During the visit, Mr SHUN encouraged the participants to develop their interests. "Many achievers are actually doing things they are interested in. You are ready to put more time and effort into what you are passionate about, and this will help you transform what you have learned in the process to something new," he said.
Mr SHUN added, "We all have ups and downs in life. You won't find it hard to move on as long as you pursue what you are interested in. For every problem, there is a solution."
If you are interested in astronomy and meteorology and want to join the HKO, you should take the science stream and obtain good grades in Mathematics and Physics. Open recruitment exercises are held for the posts of Scientific Officer, Experimental Officer and Scientific Assistant. Those who wish to apply for the posts of Scientific Officer and Experimental Officer should have a degree in Physics, Mathematics, Meteorology, Computer Science, Nuclear Science, Information Technology or Electronic Engineering from a recognised university in Hong Kong. Applicants for the post of Scientific Assistant should have good results in Mathematics and Physics in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination.