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Fourth Batch of Child Development Fund Projects

Fourth Batch of Child Development Fund Project -
Yuen Long (including Tin Shui Wai)
Name of the operating
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Christian Action
Name of the project IM-possible
Region / District Yuen Long (including Tin Shui Wai)
Number of target participating children 115 (including ethnic monitories children)
Training activities / programmes Programmes for participating children
1. Asset building skills & financial planning
2. Career field visit
3. Personal development planning and goal setting
4. Adventure-based activity and self-confidence training
5. Career planning activities

Programmes for parents/guardians

1. Asset building skills & financial planning
2. Understanding the characteristics of youth
3. Parenting and communication skills training

Programmes for mentors

1. Understanding the needs of the deprived youth
2. Understanding psychosocial development of youth
3. Enhance the self-identity building of the youth and facilitate their future planning
4. Develop the social resources and network for youth
5. Regular group meetings and supervisions
Address of the operating NGO Christian Action (Long Ping) Service Centre
Rm. 203-204 Yuk Ping House, Long Ping Est., Yuen Long, N.T., Hong Kong
Enquiry number 2478 8950
Website of the operating NGO