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Child Development Fund Pilot Project under the School-based Approach
Name of operating school Yan Chai Hospital Law Chan Chor Si College
Number of target participating children 50
Training activities / programmes Programmes for participating students:
• Workshops on financial management & life development
• Training camps on self-understanding and life-planning
• Adventure-based training on proper attitude and strategies for setting goals, implementing plan and working through difficulties
• Sharing on personal development plans

Programmes for parents:
• Workshops on goal-oriented savings, youth psycho-social development, parent-child communication and life-planning

Programmes for mentors:
• Workshops on poverty aid, youth communication, coaching skill and
strategies for setting goals and implementing plan
Address of the operating school No. 10 Kai Lai Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon
Enquiry number 2682 1315
Website of the operating school