Child Development Fund Sixth Batch NGO Operated Project (Hong Kong Island):
Step Up 6 – Life Guiding Project
Operating NGO:
Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
Room 1501-1505, 15/F, Lancashire Centre, No. 361 Shau Kei Wan Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong
Hong Kong East Family Development Services Centre
Project highlights:
- Recognise and reward mentors for attending all training programmes and maintaining monthly contact with their mentees
- Launch a subsidy scheme to support families who cannot achieve the monthly savings target due to temporary cash flow problems
- Set up a hotline to provide counsel and support to parents and mentors
- Create CDF website, Facebook and WhatsApp groups to strengthen the communications with all stakeholders, including participants, their parents and mentors
Activities at a glance:
For participating children
- Financial management workshop
- Social skills training
- Community services
- Trainings on self-understanding, life planning, personal development and career guidance
For parents / guardians
- Financial management workshop
- Parenting skills seminar
- Life planning seminar
For mentors
- Training related to roles and responsibilities of mentors, youth developmental needs, communication skills, life planning and relationship with parents
- Sharing and gathering for mentors
Target recruitment number:
Application deadline for participants and mentors (Quotas are available on a "first-come, first-served" basis):
28 February 2017
Enquiry and application:
Telephone : 3188 9004
Email :
For more information please refer to the Project Leaflet and Website.
Mentor recruitment
The "Step Up 6 – Life Guiding" project welcomes applications from those who meet the following criteria:
- Aged 21 or above, with Form 5 education level or above
- Having integrity, strong moral principles and a sense of responsibility
- Commit to youth work and the three-year project
- No criminal record in Hong Kong or overseas(Mentors are required to complete and submit the "Declaration of (Non) Conviction of Offence")
- Meet your mentee at least once a month
- Completion of the basic mentor training programme
- Willing to work under supervision of Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
Sixth batch operating project in other district:
Other project operated by Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service: